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About me
Chris Barkley’s debut novel, The Man on the Endless Stair will be released in summer 2025. He was appointed Writer in Residence by the Edinburgh Book Festival in 2022 and has won the Oxford University Kellogg Writing Competition as well as the Bedford International Writing Prize. He achieved a distinction on the MSt in Creative Writing at the University of Oxford and, before that, graduated from the Warwick University Writing Programme with a First. He has been shortlisted for the Cambridge Short Story Prize and has had prose published in TSS, National Flash Fiction, Darling Axe, and the Writers of the Future 35th anthology. He has also had poetry published in Agenda, and won The Stage Award at Edinburgh Fringe in 2018. He lives in Edinburgh, and can often be found camping in the Highlands. On social media, he is @TufferBarkley.